Behavior Change for the Environment Starts Here.

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Capacitación virtual el 18-20 de febrero, 2025. Liderados por facilitadores del equipo del Centro del Comportamiento y Medio Ambiente, juntos exploraremos los pasos del Diseño Centrado en el Comportamiento, incluyendo cómo contextualizar un desafío ambiental, entender y tomar en cuenta su audiencia meta, conectar los datos sobre su audiencia meta con la ciencia del comportamiento, idear soluciones y hacer prototipos, y finalmente medir el éxito e impacto de su intervención. Entenderá los principios básicos de las palancas de cambio de comportamiento con lo cual diseñar su solución, tales como llamados emocionales, influencias sociales, y arquitectura de las decisiones. Después, empezaremos como equipo a aplicar las herramientas de diseño centrado en el comportamiento a un caso de estudios. Esta capacitación es altamente interactiva, diseñada para fortalecer capacitades en principios de la ciencia de comportamiento, mientras aplicando y poniendo en práctica estos conceptos en la vida real y en su propio trabajo. Terminará la capacitación con un conocimiento del abordaje de diseño centrado en el comportamiento e ideas de cómo aplicarlo en su propio contexto.   Aviso importante sobre la capacitación virtual Para complementar el formato virtual, esta capacitación cuenta con módulos asincrónicos y tareas previas y posteriores a cada sesión virtual, lo que le dará la oportunidad de mejor aplicar la temática de nuestras sesiones en tiempo real y procesar mejor cada paso de nuestra ruta DCC. Por lo tanto, para mejor aprovechar nuestro tiempo compartido, recomendamos que reserve los 3 días completos de la capacitación como si lo estuviera tomando presencialmente. Después de la capacitación, y de manera opcional, usted podrá acceder a sesiones 1:1 para compartir más con nuestras y nuestros facilitadores sobre su propio desafío ambiental y que ellos le guíen más sobre cómo usar las técnicas y herramientas aprendidas durante el taller. Para obtener más información sobre el Centro CMA y ver recursos sobre el cambio de comportamiento, visita  Valor de inscripción y códigos de descuento Para nuestro curso del Diseño Centrado en el Comportamiento para el Medio Ambiente, ofrecemos a nuestros aplicantes la libertad de elegir el costo de su matrícula dentro de 3 niveles. Estos niveles de costo son autodeterminados según el contexto económico profesional y/o personal de cada participante y son diseñados para que este programa sea accesible para los que el costo de la capacitación sea un limitante. Los 3 niveles de costos son los siguientes: Nivel Costo (USD) Codigo de cupón (si aplica) Costo Completo  $525.00  N/A Descuento  $200 febdescuento Exención de Pago  $0   Completar Formulario El descuento y la exención de pago tienen el propósito de reducir el limitante de costo para ONGs/Asociaciones Civiles/fundaciones sin fines de lucros pequeños, participantes de países en desarrollo, y los que tienen acceso limitado a fondos para desarrollo profesional. Usted debe aplicar al nivel de costo que pueda acceder sin mayor carga financiera. Si desea selecionar el nivel 2, ingresa el codigo de cupón que corresponde al comprar el curso. Peticiones de exención de pago serán determinado por caso individual, tomando en cuenta necesidad financiera, potencial de impacto, acceso a oportunidades, y la composición del curso general. Para sostener nuestras capacitaciones, podemos ofrecer más cupos para los que puedan pagar el costo completo de la capacitación. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en contactarnos por correo electrónico a Para pagar con tarjeta de débito o crédito, por favor seleccione la opción de tarjeta de crédito o la opción de PayPal en la primera pantalla. Para usar la opción de PayPal, no es necesario tener una cuenta de PayPal, solo seleccione “Pagar con tarjeta de débito o crédito” ya cuanto entra a la plataforma de PayPal en la pantalla de pago, y seleccione “continuar como usuario invitado.” Read more

About this course: This course will provide tools and resources for Empathize, one of the eight steps of the Behavior Centered Design (BCD) approach. Empathize enables program designers and implementers to collect data on motivations and barriers that will inform their behavior change solution.     What you'll learn:  The purpose and key components of the Empathize step Considerations for setting up a data collection activity How to select appropriate data collection methods for your environmental challenge How to develop questions and tools to gain insight into people’s behavior How to plan for data collection How to organize data collection results for analysis and sharing Tools and templates for conducting the Empathize step   What this course is not:  This course is not a comprehensive research methods course. We will provide some additional resources should you like to explore those. It focuses instead on collecting data on people’s barriers, motivators, and context to inform the design of a behavior change solution.   Who will benefit: This course provides a broad understanding of the Empathize step to help: Program/Project Managers, Designers and Implementers manage and oversee the design, planning, and implementation of data collection for Empathize; Education, Communication, and Outreach staff to create relevant, targeted materials; and Funders to make informed decisions regarding behavior change project proposals.   Prerequisite to this course: Before taking this course, you must complete one of our courses on the Behavior-Centered Design (BCD) process. To do so, please select from one of these options:  Introduction to BCD for the Environment (free self-paced online course) BCD for the Environment (live virtual sessions) BCD for the Environment (in-person sessions)   Training Costs: For this course, we offer all applicants the freedom to opt into a course fee tier they feel is appropriate based on their personal and professional capacity. To make this program as accessible as possible for practitioners who lack the means to attend, we offer three tiers of course fees: Type Rate Coupon Code Regular Rate USD $125 N/A Discounted Rate USD $75 EMPATHIZE-75 Fee Waiver USD $0 Submit request here The discounted fee and fee waiver tiers are aimed to ease the costs for those from small non-profit organizations, those from the Global South, and those who have limited access to professional development funds. Requests for fee waivers are determined on an individual basis. We take into account financial need, the potential for impact, and access to opportunity, as well as overall cohort diversity. You should apply to the course fee tier you can afford without burdening yourself or your organization. In order to keep our training offerings sustainable, we are able to offer more invitations to applicants who apply under the full tuition tier. If you have any questions about which tier to apply to please write to Read more

Interested in environmental behavior change but not sure where to start? This self-paced course will walk you through a Behavior-Centered Design journey in a series of ten modules and prompt you to complete short exercises along the way. On your own time you’ll explore the eight steps of behavior-centered design, including framing an environmental challenge, gaining empathy with your target audience, connecting research data to behavioral insights, ideation and prototyping, and measuring the success of your behavioral intervention. You will gain a basic understanding of the levers of behavior change with which we design environmental solutions, such as emotional appeals, social influences, and choice architecture as well as principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion to consider for each step.  Read more

Led by trainers from the Center for Behavior & the Environment, we’ll explore the steps of behavior-centered design, including framing an environmental challenge, gaining empathy with your target audience, connecting research data to behavioral insights, ideation and prototyping, and measuring the success of your behavioral intervention. You will gain a basic understanding of the levers of behavior change with which we design environmental solutions, such as emotional appeals, social influences, and choice architecture. We then begin to apply the tools of behavior-centered design to a specific case study as a team. This is a highly interactive workshop geared toward building expertise in behavioral science concepts and principles and spending meaningful time practicing and applying the insights to your own work. You will leave with an understanding of the behavior-centered design approach and ideas for applying it to your own work. You can learn more about Behavior-Centered Design at Important note on our virtual offering: To make the best use of the virtual format and of our time together, this training includes pre-work assignments as well as short assignments after each session to provide an opportunity to apply the material we cover in real-time. In order to get the most out of your experience, we recommend that you reserve the 3 days of the workshop as if you were attending in person. The six sessions will be sequential, so all of them are required. The total estimated time for completion is 12 hours including e-learning modules (3 hours) and instructor-led live sessions (9 hours). We will also offer 1:1 coaching sessions after the training for you to get feedback from our team about your behavior change challenge.  Sessions will occur from April 8-10 twice daily at 10:00am and 2:00pm UTC-4 (New York)/4:00pm and 8:00pm UTC+2 (Berlin) for Americas/Europe/Africa timezones and 9:00am and 1:00pm UTC+8 (Beijing) for Asia/Pacific timezones. Please select your sessions once you register. Course Rates and Coupon Codes For our signature Behavior Centered Design for the Environment training, we offer all participants the freedom to opt into a course fee tier they feel is appropriate based on their personal and professional capacity. To make this program as accessible as possible for practitioners who lack the means to attend, we offer three tiers of course fees: Course Fee $525 Discounted $200 Fee Waiver $0 The discounted fee and fee waiver tiers are aimed to ease the costs for those from small non-profit organizations, those from the Global South, and those who have limited access to professional development funds. Requests for fee waivers are determined on an individual basis. We take into account financial need, the potential for impact, and access to opportunity, as well as overall cohort diversity. You should apply to the course fee tier you can afford without burdening yourself or your organization. In order to keep our training offerings sustainable, we are able to offer more invitations to applicants who apply under the full tuition tier. If you have any questions about which tier to apply to please write to  Type Rate Coupon Code Regular Rate  $525.00  N/A Discounted Rate  $200   BCD-APR25 Fee Waiver  $0   Submit request Please use the coupon codes during checkout. To pay with a debit or credit card, please select the Credit Card (Stripe) or PayPal options on the first check-out window. To use the PayPal option you do not need to have a PayPal account, select "Pay with debit or credit card" instead of logging into PayPal on the payment window and then "Check-out as Guest" at the bottom.  Read more

About this course: This course will provide tools and resources for Assess, one of the eight steps of the Behavior Centered Design (BCD) approach. Assess enables program designers and implementers to measure and report the effectiveness and impact of their behavior change solution.     What you'll learn:  The definition, purpose, and key components of the Assess step How to use behaviorally-informed theories of change for enhanced monitoring and evaluation of behavior change solutions How to develop indicators for assessing behavior change How to plan for monitoring and evaluation of a behavior change solution  Best practices for conducting monitoring and evaluation Tools and templates for conducting the Assess step   What this course is not:  This course is not a guide for monitoring and evaluating an entire environmental or conservation program.  It focuses instead on the behavior change components of an environmental program and how to monitor and evaluate them.     Who will benefit: This course provides a broad understanding of assessing behavior change solutions to help:  Program managers, Project Managers, and Project Implementers manage and oversee monitoring and evaluation processes, make informed management decisions, aid problem-solving, and communicate with different stakeholders; Program/Project Designers incorporate behaviorally informed assessment in project design; and Funders make informed decisions regarding behavior change project proposals.   Prerequisite to this course: Before taking this course, you must complete one of our courses on the Behavior-Centered Design (BCD) process. To do so, please select from one of these options:  Introduction to BCD for the Environment (free self-paced online course) BCD for the Environment  (live virtual sessions) BCD for the Environment  (in-person sessions)   Training Costs: For this course, we offer all applicants the freedom to opt into a course fee tier they feel is appropriate based on their personal and professional capacity. To make this program as accessible as possible for practitioners who lack the means to attend, we offer three tiers of course fees: Type Rate Coupon Code Regular Rate USD $125 N/A Discounted Rate USD $75 Assess-75 Fee Waiver USD $0 Submit request here The discounted fee and fee waiver tiers are aimed to ease the costs for those from small non-profit organizations, those from the Global South, and those who have limited access to professional development funds. Requests for fee waivers are determined on an individual basis. We take into account financial need, the potential for impact, and access to opportunity, as well as overall cohort diversity. You should apply to the course fee tier you can afford without burdening yourself or your organization. In order to keep our training offerings sustainable, we are able to offer more invitations to applicants who apply under the full tuition tier. If you have any questions about which tier to apply to please write to Read more

¿Interesad@ en cambio de comportamiento para el medio ambiente pero no sabe dónde empezar?  Este curso autoguiado le acompañará en una trayectoria de Diseño Centrado en el comportamiento a través de una serie de 10 módulos con ejercicios y hojas de trabajos prácticos. A su propio ritmo, explorará los 8 pasos del diseño centrado en el comportamiento, incluyendo enmarcar un desafío ambiental, entender con empatía a su audiencia meta, conectar los datos de investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa a los principios del comportamiento, idear y crear un prototipo de una solución, y medir el éxito de su intervención.  Entenderá los principios básicos de las palancas de cambio de comportamiento con lo cual diseñar su solución, tales como llamados emocionales, influencias sociales, y arquitectura de las decisiones, así como principios de diversidad, equidad e inclusión a tener en cuenta en cada paso de DCC. Durante este curso, habrá breves cuestionarios de conocimientos después de cada módulo para comprobar su comprensión; éstos no afectan a su puntuación final. Para aprobar este curso, deberá obtener un 80% o más en la evaluación final. Una vez superado el curso, recibirá un certificado de aprovechamiento. Cualquier pregunta sobre el costo del curso, no dude en contactarnos por correo a  Read more

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